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A boilerplate for your custom web services.
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Sometimes the builtin resources do not cover all requirements of a project. But REST also allows the creation of custom Handlers, which enables the developer to take full control.

Building custom Handlers

This tutorial will show how the extension can be used as a starting point for custom web services. The core of the web service is the Handler. The Handler implements \Cundd\Rest\Handler\HandlerInterface which provides the method configureRoutes(RouterInterface $router, RestRequestInterface $request).

You can find the tutorial extension under

Configure the access

The following lines configure read and write access to all paths matching cundd-custom_rest-*. This allows calls to,,, etc.

plugin.tx_rest.settings.paths {
    cundd-custom_rest {
        path = cundd-custom_rest-*

        read = allow
        write = allow

        handlerClass = \Cundd\CustomRest\Rest\Handler

File: ext_typoscript_setup.txt

Configure an alias

The paths shown above are not esthetic, but enable the extensions flexibility. To still provide pretty URLs aliases can be registered.

plugin.tx_rest.settings.aliases {
    customhandler = cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler

File: ext_typoscript_setup.txt

This allows us to call instead of

Creating the Handler

Now lets have a look at the core of the custom extension: the Handler. To ship a Handler with your extension create a class in the format \YourVendor\YourExtensionName\Rest\Handler and make it implement \Cundd\Rest\Handler\HandlerInterface. REST's Object Manager will then automatically use this class for any request to the resource types matching cundd-custom_rest-*.

The more interesting method is configureRoutes(RouterInterface $router, RestRequestInterface $request). REST provides a custom routing implementation since version 3.0 and this is the place where the actual routing is configured.

Building a route

A route is an instance of \Cundd\Rest\Router\Route. It encapsulates the necessary information to be compared to the current request and a callback that will be invoked if the route matches. One required information is the pattern that will be compared against the request URI. The second important part is the request method a route belongs to.

Important thing about the route: The extension suffix will be removed from the sent URL. E.g. http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler.json will be treated as http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler.

Lets create a route:

We want to provide a service if a GET request to the URL for this Handler is invoked. So we create a route that will match if the requested Resource Type matches the Handlers Resource Type:

new Route($request->getResourceType(), 'GET', function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    // Callback will be invoked for
    # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler

In this case $request->getResourceType() is used as the route's pattern. This is a shortcut to dispatch requests to our Handler. If we want to distinguish between cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler and cundd-custom_rest-require we could have added separate routes for each path:

new Route('cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler', 'GET', function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    // Callback will be invoked for
    # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler
    // and because of the defined alias
    # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler

new Route('cundd-custom_rest-require', 'GET', function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    // Only will be invoked for
    # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-require

Similarly functions for other HTTP request methods can be added. Furthermore factory methods for the most popular HTTP methods exist.


new Route($request->getResourceType(), 'GET', function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler

Route::get($request->getResourceType(), function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler


new Route($request->getResourceType(), 'POST', function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    # curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler

Route::post($request->getResourceType(), function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    # curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler


new Route($request->getResourceType(), 'PUT', function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    # curl -X PUT http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler

Route::put($request->getResourceType(), function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    # curl -X PUT http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler


new Route($request->getResourceType(), 'DELETE', function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    # curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler

Route::delete($request->getResourceType(), function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    # curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler

Other HTTP methods

$method = 'PATCH';
new Route($request->getResourceType(), $method, function(RestRequestInterface $request) {
    # curl -X PATCH http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-custom_handler

Registering a route

Finally the created routes must be given to the router instance:

$myRoute = Route::get($request->getResourceType(), function(RestRequestInterface $request) {});



A routing system would be incomplete without the ability to pass variable parts to the callback. The REST router allows you to use a set of parameter expressions inside the route's pattern.

A parameter expression must be a complete URI segment

Matching strings aka. slug

Extracts the value from segments matching the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9\._\-]+

Route::get($request->getResourceType() . '/{slug}', function(RestRequestInterface $request, $theParameter) {
    // Callback will be invoked for
    # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler/some-string
    // with $theParameter set to 'some-string'

Matching integers

Extracts integer values

Route::get($request->getResourceType() . '/{integer}', function(RestRequestInterface $request, $theParameter) {
    // Callback will be invoked for
    # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler/109
    // with $theParameter set to 109

Matching floats

Extracts integer values

Route::get($request->getResourceType() . '/{float}', function(RestRequestInterface $request, $theParameter) {
    // Callback will be invoked for
    # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler/109.0
    // with $theParameter set to 109.0

Matching booleans

Extracts the value from segments matching the regular expression (1|true|on|yes|0|false|off|no) and converts it into a boolean

Route::get($request->getResourceType() . '/{boolean}', function(RestRequestInterface $request, $theParameter) {
    // Callback will be invoked for
    # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler/yes
    // with $theParameter set to true


The extension utilizes the \Cundd\Rest\ResponseFactory class to transform raw handler results into a presentation fitting the format from the request's getFormat() method.

If a specific response should be sent to the client, without additional formatting, the handler callback can return an instance of \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface (e.g. built using \Cundd\Rest\ResponseFactory::createResponse($data, int $status)).

Putting it together

namespace Cundd\CustomRest\Rest;

use Cundd\Rest\Http\RestRequestInterface;
use Cundd\Rest\Router\Route;
use Cundd\Rest\Router\RouterInterface;

class CustomHandler implements \Cundd\Rest\Handler\HandlerInterface
     * @var \Cundd\CustomRest\Rest\Helper
     * @inject
    protected $helper;

    public function configureRoutes(RouterInterface $router, RestRequestInterface $request)
        # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler
                function (RestRequestInterface $request) {
                    return [
                        'path'         => $request->getPath(),
                        'uri'          => (string)$request->getUri(),
                        'resourceType' => (string)$request->getResourceType(),
        # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/cundd-custom_rest-require
                function () {
                    return 'Access Granted';

        # curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler/subpath
                $request->getResourceType() . '/subpath',
                function (RestRequestInterface $request) {
                    return [
                        'path'         => $request->getPath(),
                        'uri'          => (string)$request->getUri(),
                        'resourceType' => (string)$request->getResourceType(),

        # curl -X POST -d '{"username":"johndoe","password":"123456"}' http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler/subpath
                $request->getResourceType() . '/subpath',
                function (RestRequestInterface $request) {
                    return [
                        'path'         => $request->getPath(),
                        'uri'          => (string)$request->getUri(),
                        'resourceType' => (string)$request->getResourceType(),
                        'data'         => $request->getSentData(),

        # curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"firstName":"john","lastName":"john"}' http://localhost:8888/rest/customhandler/create
                $request->getResourceType() . '/create',
                function (RestRequestInterface $request) {
                    $arguments = [
                        'person' => $request->getSentData(),

                     * @see \Cundd\CustomRest\Rest\Helper for more information regarding Extbase calls
                    return $this->helper->callExtbasePlugin(

The lines below show how the Dispatcher will invoke your configureRoutes() method:

$handler = new \Cundd\CustomRest\Rest\CustomHandler(); // Actually get the Handler instance from the Object Manager
$handler->configureRoutes($router, $request);

To access the POST data sent by the client use the request's getSentData() which will return an array.

Finally the web service can be tested with

curl -X GET
curl -X GET
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"johndoe","password":"123456"}'